Colourful PDF Year 1 Primary Rounding Worksheets

Year 1 Rounding worksheets for year 1 maths. Pupils in year 1 are ages 5-6 years old. Children in year 1 are expected to count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number. Some pupils in year 2 will be able to round to the nearest 10, although this skill is practiced further in year 2.

3 Free Rounding Worksheets

Year-1 Rounding Worksheets
Year-1 Rounding Worksheets 2
Year-1 Rounding Worksheets 3

More Rounding Worksheets Below...

Rounding Maths Worksheets for Year 1 Primary Maths

This page contains Primary Maths Worksheets covering Rounding for Year 1 Maths. This website contains a series of printable PDF worksheets designed to be saved and downloaded.